Thursday 28 April 2016

Seems some mistakes can follow you for the rest of your life.
Yesterday my wife was at our local police station in her capacity as a HomeWatch Coordinator when a WPC said she knew me. Nora knew I hadn't taught her to drive then she explained she was the copper who saved my life.
A number of years ago there had been some armed robberies, while sat eating my sandwich I noticed something shiny the other side of the fence.
It was a large machete, I'm intelligent so picked it up with my little sandwich bag to deliver to police station.
The barrier opened to let a police vehicle out and I drove in. Couldn't get the door opened into the place when a young lady appeared from the car park. She escorted me back to my car, told me to go to the public police car park and let me out.
You can't miss the public police car park on the main road but I did. Apparently she said she didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to raid a cop shop driving a fully liveried  driving school car and that's why I wasn't pepper sprayed.
Seems I'll never live this down.