Sunday 15 March 2015

Apparently I'm Xenophobic

This month’s MSA Newslink carries an article stating that EU migrants are able to go over to Northern Island in bus loads to take their Theory Test because they can use the voice over translation. Then come back and drive on our roads.  Rather defeats the objective of banning translators over here don’t you think.
But what has really sent me over the top is the statement made by the instructor who taught me to drive, now head of the MSA, someone I’ve respected for more than 30 years.
At the end of a long maddening article John ends with.  Quote. ‘It does make you wonder whether scrapping translations had nothing to do with road safety but everything to do with playing to the UKIP/xenophobic crowd.’
Apparently 70% of us MSA members were in favour of scrapping translators, I thought my reason was because or road safety, apparently not, I’m xenophobic.

Friday 13 March 2015

Joe Marsden passed his test back in January and like most of my pupils was going to do Pass Plus, that is usually the last I hear from them. Not Joe, he drove past me today, waving, flashing lights, with a horn that sounded like an ice cream van, then later I got a text.

Hi Sean it’s Joe, many thanks for helping me pass my driving test and for the friendly service whilst I was learning. I feel I no longer require any more lessons off you now but I just thought It would be right to say that I appreciate your patience and reliability. So yeah have a good one.
Thank You Joe, be safe.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Story told to me by a student yesterday.
Many, many years ago when her husband passed his driving test, he parked his car near a roadside sign that said something like 1 hour, no return within 2 hours. Yes he did, he only wanted to nip into a shop but he walked around for two hours,  got back to his car to find a parking ticket! Apparently he was only 18 at the time.

Monday 2 March 2015

Thank you Jessica, I wouldn't dare argue with anyone in your position. However, had you done what I told you and not booked the first test of the day in January, it wouldn't have been cancelled because of icy roads.
Be Safe.