Friday 27 June 2014

Congratulations to  Mark Lowe.
Mark passed his driving test first time today with only 3 minors.
Well Done. Remember you have been taught to be a safe driver and once again we steal Greater Manchester  Police's favorite.
Stay Safe.
Why the photo of the boss and not Mark?
He didn't want his photo taken

Sunday 15 June 2014

Just got a text which says. 

"Need automatic car for driving test Monday 16th. 8.10am. Rasheed"

Hope he finds one, obviously some nasty instructor has said he's not ready for his test but he's booked one anyway.
Wonder what happens to these people because I don't know of one instructor who will take them on?

Thursday 12 June 2014

From my Facebook page.
Simon Ryan Shaw
9 hours ago
Anyone that is looking to do their driving lessons, go with Sean Green, relaxed approach, easy to get on with, pass quickly and more importantly first time!! Been a pleasure learning to drive with you! Thank you Sean.
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Thanks Simon, wish I could accept all the praise, you did all the work I just guided you along.
Good Luck for the future.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Well done Simon. Passed first time with just 1 minor.
Simon is a good example of someone who wanted to learn to drive and pass quickly in a short time. He never cancelled, he wanted to be there and get on with it.
Wish everyone showed the same determination.
I enjoyed teaching you.
Drive Safely.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Nora here.
No moans this week, just 3 hours £60 cancelled. That amount coming out of your wage isn't nice but when you consider just recently with more cancels than work it's good.
Thank you to the student just back from holiday who got BOTH Sean and I a pressy. Thank you that's the first time ever.
Don't mind his students buying him presents providing it's not chocolate, I spend my life on a diet and I get really upset when he leaves the chocolate on his coffee table for days and days where I'm constantly having to walk passed. It's heart breaking........